Policies & Procedures
Find the best way to facilitate your needs with the assistance of property management in the guide below. For more detailed information, please login to view the Truist Plaza Tenant Handbook.
- Truist Plaza and Garden Offices is a secure facility requiring badge access and pre-registration of all visitors by tenants utilizing the property’s Visitor Management System software.
- Passenger elevators are not to be used for deliveries. Metal hand carts and dollies are prohibited on passenger elevators.
- All entrances, exits, halls, service elevator lobbies, stairwells and public areas must remain clear for passage at all times, as noncompliance is also a violation of fire code.
- Only building standard window treatments are allowed. Any other requests may be submitted in writing to the Management Office for approval.
- Signs are not to be placed on suite doors, rotunda tables, wall coverings or in any other common area unless pre-approved by the Management Office.
- Plumbing fixtures are not intended to be used for the disposal of coffee grounds, sweepings, rubbish, rags, or any other substances that could potentially block or cause damage. Please be respectful. Tenant is accountable and responsible for the cost of any such repairs.
- Flammable liquids and other combustible materials are subject to applicable Fire Department regulations and must be properly stored and secured at all times.
- Use the locks provided. If you need any additional locks, keys or equipment, or if you need to change any that you currently have, please notify the Management Office for assistance.
- Bicycles, other vehicles and all animals are strictly prohibited from the building. Exceptions may be made for those who require canine assistance or conveyances.
- Use of outside vendors for alterations or additions to your space is allowed only with written consent of the Management Office.
- Canvassing, soliciting and peddling within the building is prohibited. Please notify the Management Office if you witness any of these activities.
- Non-Fireproof wreathes, trees and garland violate City of Atlanta Fire Codes and are forbidden.
Smoking in the building is strictly prohibited. Smoking outside is restricted to designated areas. - Please be considerate of others and keep working environments audibly tolerable.
We have building ladders that can be borrowed on occasion for tenant use. We require you to sign a Liability Waiver first, so please visit us in the Management Office. As time and other variables permit, we will deliver a ladder to you.
Tool Box
In the Management Office, we keep a tool box which we allow our Tenants to borrow. Please visit us on the 41st floor, Suite 4150, to sign out the tool box for your use.
Please contact the Lobby Security Desk of each building for items that have been lost or found in the building.
General Mail Info
Truist Plaza Tenant mail is delivered to the mail room, located on the Lower Lobby level underneath the Baker St. stairs, Monday-Saturday.
Mail is collected Monday-Saturday.
Garden Offices Tenant mail is delivered to the Mailroom, located on the Atrium Lobby level, Monday – Saturday.
Mail is collected Monday-Saturday.
Each tenant is responsible for their mailbox keys. If they are ever lost or stolen, please see the Post Office employee on duty during their hours of operation.
To ensure that your mail is delivered properly, it should be addressed as follows:
Truist Plaza
Tenant Name
303 Peachtree St. NE
Suite Number
Atlanta, GA 30308
Truist Plaza Garden Offices
Tenant Name
303 Peachtree Center Avenue
Suite Number
Atlanta, GA 30303
Post office bins are available, as needed, for large loads of mail. These bins are property of the US Postal Service. Therefore, we ask that you kindly return them when you are finished. In addition to post office bins, we also have Parcel Lockers, Truist Plaza only, for packages that are too big for your regular mailbox.
The Truist Plaza and Garden Offices Mailrooms have Drop Boxes for Fed Ex and UPS for your convenience.
Stamps may be purchased at the Post Office. The closest post office is located at 240 Peachtree St. NW Atlanta, GA 30303.
It is a federal offense to remove anything from the mail. Once it has been placed in the drop box, it becomes the property of the US Postal Service.
The US Postal Service and the Management Office are not responsible for packages left unattended in the Tenant Mailroom.
For additional Truist Plaza postal needs, questions or concerns please contact the USPS Ralph McGill Carrier Facility at 800-275-8777.
Should your company need to have a document notarized, we have individuals in the Management Office who are notaries. Please call 404-614-5000 in advance, to schedule a mutually beneficial time to notarize the document.
The Truist Plaza Parking Garage and the adjacent surface lot are managed by Reef Parking Solutions. The parking manager’s office is located on C Level near the Peachtree Center Avenue entrance of the garage. Office hours are Monday - Friday from 7:00am-7:00pm. Monthly parking arrangements are available, per your lease agreement. The parking facilities are equipped with License Plate Recognition software enabling monthly parkers to enter/exit with ease. Building access cards and license plates may be programmed by Reef Parking Solutions to provide access to the facilities. For issues with license plate or card access, please contact Reef Parking Solutions at 404-223-3215.
Covered parking is available on ten (10) levels in the Truist Plaza Parking Garage located on the block bordered by Courtland St., Baker St. and Peachtree Center Avenue with entrances on both Peachtree Center Avenue and Baker St. Reserved Parking, contingent upon your Lease agreement, is located on both BL and A Levels. Elevators are located in the western portion of the garage.
Surface Lot Parking entrance is located on Ralph McGill Blvd. Monthly parkers may exit onto Peachtree Center Avenue or Ralph McGill. Visitors must utilize the Ralph McGill exit only. Visitors should pay for parking at the pay station on C Level as they exit the property. Stairs leading to and from the surface lot are located near the Garage’s north exit ramp on Peachtree Center Avenue. Accessible Parking is located on the upper section of the lot adjacent to Peachtree Center Avenue and the Imperial Hotel apartments.
Monthly Parkers must have their license tag registered with Reef Parking in order to take advantage of the license plate recognition system. Building access cards must also be programmed into the parking system for parking access. Keep your access card number current with Reef Parking if you must replace your building access card. Also keep it within easy reach, even if your tag is registered in the event a camera malfunctions, your card will provide entry/exit. If there are issues with your tag or card not working, please pull a ticket to enter the garage and contact the parking office to identify the issue and have it resolved. Your cooperation in these items will keep traffic moving smoothly for everyone.
Visitor Parking is located on C Level at the Peachtree Center Avenue entrance. Visitors may gain access to the Garage by obtaining a ticket from the machine and pulling straight into the garage where 34 spaces are reserved for office visitors. Visitor Parking is limited to two hours. Transient parking rates apply to anyone using the Visitor Parking spaces.
Monthly parkers are not permitted to park in Visitor Parking. Violations will result in vehicles being towed.
ADA Accessible Parking is available on levels G, H and J of the parking garage near the parking elevator lobbies. Automatic doors are located on the north side of each elevator vestibule.
Validations are sold in increments of 1 hour, All Day and After Hours or tenants may use the e-validation system. For more information on validations, please contact Reef Parking Solutions.
Billing Inquiries may be directed to the Parking Garage Manager, Reef Parking Solutions. Monthly payments MUST be mailed to the address shown on your invoice or paid via recurring payments set up through www.lanierparking.com. Please DO NOT mail parking payments to the building’s rental address. Parking ambassadors and maintenance staff are NOT permitted to accept payments.
Parking Rules: Traffic regulations must be followed at ALL times. Please observe the speed limit of 5 miles per hour, observe all stop signs and approach pedestrian crossing areas with caution. Please do not back into spaces with tension cables. Smoking is not allowed in the garage. Please do not pour liquids or throw trash onto parking garage floors.
Parking Garage Hours
The Truist Plaza Parking Garage and adjacent surface lot are open to contract parkers and visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please be sure to have your vehicle make, model & tag information on file with the parking management office in the event of an emergency and to utilize the license plate recognition system for speeding entry/exit to and from the facility. If you wish to leave your vehicle overnight, please notify Reef Parking Solutions at 404-223-3215.
Upper Baker St. Entrance (D Level) Open: Monday-Friday from 5am-8pm
Lower Baker St. Entrance (E Level) Open: Monday - Sunday - open 5am to 7pm
Peachtree Center Ave Entrance (C Level) Open: Monday – Sunday – open 5am to 12am
The North Ramp exit to Peachtree Center Ave. Open: Monday-Friday from 3pm-7pm
Recycling Made Easy
Truist Plaza and Waste Pro offer an innovative recycling program called "Recycling Made Easy". With this program everything going into your desk-side receptacle is taken to Waste Pro's recycle sorting facility, American Recycling, and all break room wet waste is taken to the landfill.
Truist teammates are to adhere to the Bank’s Information Security Policy regarding the disposal of all sensitive documents and electronic devices.
The following is a list of items that can be recycled and commingled:
- Office paper all colors
- Envelopes windowed/labeled
- Cardboard boxes
- Junk mail
- Magazines/newspapers
- Phone books
- Soft and hard back books
- File folders
- Brochures, reams
- Wrapping paper
- Greeting cards
- Aluminum cans
- Plastic bottles
- Glass bottles
Bins with clear bags should be used for recycling and bins with black bags should be used for wet/food waste.
*Please note that staples and paperclips do NOT have to be removed to be recycled.
The following is a list of items that cannot be recycled:
- Wet/Food waste
- Empty toner cartridges
- Styrofoam
We would greatly appreciate your cooperation in taking non-recyclable food waste containers to your break room.
Recycling Electronics
Truist Plaza and Garden Offices offer electronics recycling of Tenant company electronics at no additional fee. The electronics recycling area is located on the loading dock.
eWaste ePlanet, LLC provides a comprehensive range of services such as asset tag removal and data/hard disk destruction.
Any of the items below are accepted:
- Computers & Accessories: Computers (desktops/laptops), Computer Power Supplies, Printers (ink, toner, cartridges), Computer Peripherals, Storage Devices (HDDs, SSDs, SD cards, etc.), Gaming Devices, Circuit Boards & Cards, Monitors, Computer Accessories (mice, keyboards, etc.), Monitors (flatscreen), Network Devices, Scanners
- Data Center Equipment: Servers, Power Distribution Units, Network Related Equipment, Storage Arrays, Routers and Switches, Power Distribution Units, Panelboard, Server Racks, Switchgear, Motor Generator Sets, Mainframe Computer Equipment, Cabling
- Office Equipment: Copiers and Multifunction Devices, Fax Machines, Audio/Video Equipment, Projection Equipment, Printers, Plotters, Security Equipment, Receivers and Transmitters, Phone Systems, Answering Machines
- Mobile Devices: Cell Phones and Smart Phones ,Tablets, PDAs, MP3 Players, Cameras, Fitness Trackers, Smart Watches Entertainment Equipment: Stereo Equipment, Speakers, Accessories and Cables, Video Players, Digital Cameras, TVs, Video Cameras, Game Consoles, Pro Audio Equipment
- Lab & Medical Equipment: Ultrasound Equipment, Spectrometers, Anesthesia Units, Defibrillators, X-Ray Machines, IV Pumps
- Miscellaneous: Wires & Cables, GPS Units, Alkaline Batteries, Rechargeable Dry Cell Batteries, Cable Boxes, UPS Power Supply, Home Appliances, Laptop Batteries
*If there are questions or if you have a large quantity of Electronic Waste you would like to have picked up, please contact the Management Office.
Tenant Signage
Throughout the building, all tenant signage is a standardized square stainless steel back plate with a circular stainless steel etched plaque. While the sign itself is ADA compliant, its presence in the building outside of your suites is also in uniform with the visibility requirements established by the ADA.
There are no exceptions for signage other than building standard.
Common Area Signage
Please do not tape or place signage on suite doors, wall covering, restrooms, or any other common area of the Truist Plaza without prior approval of the Management Office.
Tenant Event Signage
All signage advertising any function or event in your suite must be pre-approved by the Management Office at least 24 hours in advance. All event signage must be professionally printed in keeping with the standards of a Class A building. Handwritten signs are not allowed.
On occasion, when it becomes necessary to advertise a large event, Portman Management may lend you the use of our sign holders. We have two types of sign holders. The first is a tripod style which will hold a sign of most sizes. The second is a sign holder which fits only 22” x 28” signs. We advise that tenants give no less than one full week’s notice when requesting to borrow sign holders. You may borrow up to three easels at any given time for up to two days. Email TPCS@portmanholdings.com to reserve an easel.
Truist Plaza and Garden Offices are non-smoking facilities. Smoking is not permitted within 50 feet of the entrances to the building. Smoking is not permitted in the parking garage, except in the designated area on BL level located approximately 50 feet away from the entry to the Food Court and Truist Plaza Garden Offices. Ashtrays are provided for all designated smoking areas. Please use the ashtrays provided, rather than putting cigarettes out in planters or on the floor. This smoking policy includes all types of cigars, cigarettes, vapor or e-cigarettes, etc.
The property hosts book fairs, jewelry shows, musical entertainment and tenant social events for all employees to enjoy. All building-sponsored events will be listed on the Truist Plaza website homepage as News and Events. Catch a preview of upcoming events by reading the In and Around Truist Plaza monthly e-newsletter also available on the website homepage.
A limited amount of additional storage is available for lease on a space-available basis. To reserve space, or for more information, please contact the Management Office.
Personal storage lockers, located on the Atrium Level of the Garden Offices are available for rental to individuals who frequently cycle to work or wish to secure fitness bags. Contact Reef Parking for information on locker rentals at Truistplazaparking@reefparking.com.
Walking for physical exercise is only permitted in designated areas inside the Truist Plaza building and at times established by Property Management. Due to the window wall design of the Garden Offices, walking for physical exercise inside that building is prohibited. Running or repeatedly climbing the stairs for exercise is prohibited in both buildings.
Portman Management has designated the Lower Lobby of the Truist Plaza as the area in which walking exercise is permitted. Although the hours are subject to change without notice, walkers may exercise between 7am and 6pm, Monday through Friday. If an individual walks around the Lower Lobby on the route closest to the exterior of the building, it will take 10.8 laps to equal one mile.
We hope this information is helpful for those wishing to exercise on their breaks and appreciate your cooperation. As with any physical activity, please consult your physician prior to beginning any exercise program.
Please Click Here to Download Truist_plaza_walking_route.pdf
Still have questions on Truist Plaza building policies and procedures? Contact Property Management.